I bought Nokia E70 on 23rd August 2006. What i can say is i never regret my decision to buy this device. For me, it's almost perfect. Despite all the compliments, i did have some complaints. Well the most significant issue is memory management. It's pity for this kind of device has the memory issue. I'm not sure how Nokia E70 manage its memory but if u browse the internet, chances to face this problem is very high.
Well, on 15th September 2006 (a day before my birthday), i upgraded the firmware using Nokia Software Update (NSU) tool. But i only did that after a thorough reading. I read some of the Nokia E70 users have to send their phone to Nokia for repair, due to the failed firmware upgrade. Lucky me everything went smoothly.But, don't forget to backup ur data. Or u'll lose everything. After upgrading the firmware, these are the few things that i noticed:
1. Contacts
Now u can sort the contact details by "First Name, Last Name".
2. Media Player
In terms of sound quality, it improved but u have to sacrifice the volume. Even at 100% it's still not loud enough for me. Some users suggest to use ogg player, and tune it to overcome this issue. I haven't try that option yet.
3. Performance
While i'm not sure whether it really happen or just a psychology effect, i did notice that it responds faster than before. It switched to landscape mode almost instantly when u flip the keyboard open.
4. Web browsing
Well, i love browsing internet using this device. I have the net in my hand! Isn't it great? But the only setback is the memory. Sometimes i will get the "Memory full.." error message. My piece of advice, whenever u want to browse to another website, make sure u clear the cache. By doing so, u'll get that error message less frequent.
Hmm what else.. That's it for now i guess. Sorry for the typing errors if any. Still try to get use with the keyboard.
sent using nokia e70